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Best MERN Stack Course (Online Training With Certificate)

4.9 (1857 Reviews)

MERN Stack is a combination of MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, and NodeJS, all of which are based on JavaScript. Since these technologies facilitate the development of dynamic, responsive, and appealing websites and web apps, companies all over India and globally need MERN Stack developers.

Enroll in the best MERN stack course online by Manal Softech to become a master at it and explore high-paying job opportunities. It includes hands-on 15+ projects, pro certification, job assistance, regular training, and much more.

Book your free class now to get started!

Best MERN Stack Course (Online Training With Certificate)

Upcoming Batch Details

Duration Timings
(Mon - Sat) 5-6 Months 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM
(Mon - Sat) 5-6 Months 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
(Mon - Sat) 5-6 Months 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM
(Mon - Sat) 5-6 Months 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM

MERN Stack Course Fees


(including GST)

Get 50% off -₹56,640/-

No Cost EMI options available

Skill-Oriented Online MERN Stack Developer Course By Manal Softech

If you want to become a web developer and build a great career in this field, then one of the best options for you is to learn MERN stack web development. An increasing number of businesses are opting for it because of the several benefits it offers.

Based on JavaScript, MERN is an open-source technology that helps developers to create solid websites and web applications. Moreover, it enables faster web development as not everything needs to be built from scratch.

The online MERN stack training by Manal Softech is meant to train you in the most efficient manner so that you get highly skilled at it. You will learn web development from industry experts, work on multiple MERN stack projects, get certified by India’s leading institute, and get assistance in placement.

MERN (MongoDB + ExpressJS + ReactJS + NodeJS) is an essential combo that covers the full web development process. MongoDB is a database management program, ExpressJS is a lightweight framework, ReactJS is a JavaScript library, whereas, NodeJS is a JavaScript runtime environment.

In this MERN stack course online, we cover all these technologies in a comprehensive and practical way. You will find it easy to learn, even if you are an absolute beginner.

Master the skills of working on both front-end and back-end, learn how to develop dynamic and responsive sites, and become a successful developer by enrolling in the best MERN stack course in India.

What You’ll Learn in MERN Stack Course Online? (Latest Syllabus)

Well-structured & comprehensive curriculum designed according to latest trends and industry standards!

  • HTML Editors
  • HTML Basics
  • HTML Elements
  • HTML Images
  • HTML Links
  • HTML Lists
  • HTML Attributes
  • HTML Headings
  • HTML Paragraphs
  • HTML Styles
  • HTML Formatting
  • HTML Comments
  • HTML Blocks
  • HTML Classes

  • Introduction to Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)
  • CSS Syntax and Selectors
  • CSS Colors
  • CSS Backgrounds
  • CSS Borders
  • Setting height and width
  • Background Color
  • Background Image
  • Background Repeat
  • Border
  • Types of Border in CSS
  • Border Style
  • Border Radius
  • Text Indentation
  • Text Transformation
  • Letter Spacing
  • Line Height
  • Font Families
  • Font Color
  • Font Style
  • Font Style
  • Margin And Padding
  • Text Alignment
  • Text Decoration
  • Word Spacing
  • Text Shadow
  • Position

  • Introduction to CSS3
  • CSS Rounded Corners
  • CSS Border Images
  • CSS Multiple Backgrounds
  • RGBA Colors
  • CSS Gradients
  • CSS Shadow Effects
  • CSS Text Effects
  • CSS 2D Transforms
  • CSS 3D Transforms
  • CSS Transitions
  • CSS Animations
  • CSS Styling Images
  • CSS Buttons
  • CSS Multiple Columns
  • Resize
  • CSS Box Sizing
  • Details Tag
  • Dialog Tag

  • Introduction To HTML5
  • !DOCTYPE html
  • Header Tag
  • Footer Tag
  • Article Tag
  • Section Tag
  • Figure Tag
  • Aside Tag
  • Audio Tag
  • Video Tag
  • Details Tag
  • Dialog Tag
  • Main Tag
  • Nav Tag
  • Summary Tag

  • Introduction to JavaScript
  • Basics of JavaScript
  • JS Comment
  • JS Variable
  • JS Global Variable
  • JS Data Types
  • JS Operators
  • JS If Statement
  • JS Switch
  • JS slider
  • JS Loop
  • JavaScript DOM
  • JS Events
  • onclick
  • onmouseover
  • onmouseout
  • onkeydown
  • onload
  • JS validation
  • JS window.print()

  • What is jQuery?
  • Adding jQuery Library to Pages
  • Basic jQuery Examples
  • How to download jQuery?
  • jQuery Syntax
  • The Document Ready Function
  • How to use Custom Scripts?
  • How to use Selectors?
  • CSS Element Selector and ID Selector
  • CSS Element Class Selector and Universal Selector
  • CSS Multiple Elements E, F, G Selector
  • jQuery Callback Functions
  • Get Attribute Value
  • Set Attribute Value
  • How to Apply CSS Properties?
  • Setting Element Width & Height
  • JQuery CSS Methods
  • JQuery Online Effects
  • Slider
  • Lightbox

  • What is Bootstrap?
  • How to Install Bootstrap and jQuery?
  • Media Query
  • Bootstrap Grid System
  • Containers
  • Rows
  • Columns
  • Multiple columns
  • Resetting columns
  • Offsetting columns
  • Nesting columns
  • Push & Pull
  • Bootstrap Components
  • Glyphicons
  • Dropdown
  • Video
  • Nav & Navbar
  • Carousel
  • Tabbing
  • What is Media Query?
  • What is Responsive Web Design?
  • What screen resolutions do you use while taking screenshots?

  • Getting Started with Tailwind CSS
  • Core Concepts
  • Customization
  • Base Styles
  • Layout
  • Flexbox & Grid
  • Spacing
  • Sizing
  • Typography
  • Backgrounds
  • Borders
  • Effects
  • Filters
  • Transitions & Animation
  • Transforms
  • Two projects using Tailwind CSS

  • What is ReactJS?
  • Key Features
  • Benefits of using ReactJS

  • How to use exercise files?
  • Tools that we need

  • Finishing the hello world task
  • Delete and recreate everything
  • Adding CSS to Hello World
  • Reusable components

  • Understand the existing template
  • Convert the HTML template into React App
  • Reusable Card and Assignment

  • What are props and states?
  • Preparing the state-based applications
  • Complete counter application
  • Assignment for Counter app

  • Learning basics first
  • Preparing the Tic Tac Toe
  • Sending icons from components
  • Setup layout for Tic Tac Toe
  • Finishing Tic Tac Toe and assignment

  • The problem that contextAPI solves
  • Detail on Context and Provider
  • Detail on Consumer in contextAPI
  • Understand the working of dark and light mode
  • Creating a theme Toggler with Context API
  • Finishing the theme switcher app

  • What are we building here?
  • Create brain of the application
  • Use Reducer for our app
  • Add an input form
  • Sending a dispatch
  • Display the context data and dispatch

  • Introducing the Effect hook
  • A form to submit the data
  • Looping through all the values
  • Hooks and local storage in action

  • Learn to read docs for API
  • Let's read Axios docs
  • Drill down the API
  • Extracting information from API

  • A walk of Pexels and JSON
  • Add item to the cart
  • Buy the item and remove the item
  • Fetching photos from API
  • Store everything is state
  • Card for every product
  • Create cart section
  • Bring the shop together
  • Removing the duplicate

  • What are we about to build?
  • React Router crash course
  • Your tour to configure firebase
  • Read firebase docs with me
  • Creating components for the firebase app
  • Bring in the react-router
  • Headers and Footers
  • Conditional rendering in Navbar
  • Adding firebase configuration
  • User Signup in firebase
  • Logout and sign-in user
  • User card component
  • Repo component
  • Home page and finish the app

  • A challenge application
  • Firebase real-time database
  • Setting context and actions
  • Creating reducers for contact
  • Header and Footer tasks
  • How to upload an image in firebase storage?
  • Add and update a contact in firebase
  • Add or update the finder
  • Update star and delete contact
  • Use dispatch and FIXME
  • Get all data from firebase
  • Loop through firebase object
  • Firebase finale and assignment

  • 3 Principles of redux
  • Bring in the central state
  • Actions make redux simpler
  • Reducer- brain part of the app
  • Component dispatching the info
  • Two most important methods for Redux
  • Provider to give access to store
  • Finally, creating that store

  • What is MongoDB?
  • How does MongoDB work?
  • How to install MongoDB on MAC?
  • How to install MongoDB on Windows?
  • Create and Read operations in MongoDB
  • ObjectID and BSON in MongoDB
  • Triple-A and CRUD operations in MongoDB
  • UpdateOne and DeleteOne
  • UpdateMany and deleteMany
  • Database issues with Update
  • Getting more data
  • Save bandwidth while querying in MongoDB
  • Understanding objects structure
  • What is schema in MongoDB?
  • Database modeling MongoDB series
  • Relation in database MongoDB
  • One-to-one relation in mongo database with id
  • One to many relations in the MongoDB database
  • Many to Many relations in MongoDB
  • Creating file structure and installing dependencies
  • Creating our first student schema
  • Connecting with MongoDB with mongoose
  • A read test in MongoDB
  • A delete test for MongoDB
  • An update test in MongoDB

  • What is Node.js?
  • Features of Node.js
  • Who Uses Node.js?
  • Concepts
  • Where to Use Node.js?
  • Where Not to Use Node.js?

  • Try it Option Online
  • Local Environment Setup
  • Text Editor
  • The Node.js Runtime
  • Download Node.js Archive
  • Installation on UNIX/Linux/Mac OS X and SunOS
  • Installation on Windows
  • Verify Installation: Executing a File

  • Creating Node.js Application

  • Online REPL Terminal
  • REPL Commands
  • Stopping REPL

  • Installing Modules using NPM
  • Global vs Local Installation
  • Using package.json
  • Attributes of Package.json
  • Uninstalling a Module
  • Updating a Module
  • Search a Module
  • Create a Module

  • What is Callback?
  • Blocking Code Example
  • Non-Blocking Code Example

  • Event-Driven Programming
  • Example
  • How do Node Applications work?

  • Event Emitter Class
  • Methods
  • Class Methods
  • Events
  • Example

  • Creating Buffers
  • Writing to Buffers
  • Reading from Buffers
  • Convert Buffer to JSON
  • Concatenate Buffers
  • Compare Buffers
  • Copy Buffer
  • Slice Buffer
  • Buffer Length
  • Methods Reference
  • Class Methods

  • What are Streams?
  • Reading from a Stream
  • Writing to a Stream
  • Piping the Streams
  • Chaining the Streams

  • Synchronous vs Asynchronous
  • Open a File
  • Get File Information
  • Writing a File
  • Reading a File
  • Closing a File
  • Truncate a File
  • Delete a File
  • Create a Directory
  • Read a Directory
  • Remove a Directory
  • Methods Reference

  • __filename
  • __dirname
  • setTimeout(cb, ms)
  • clearTimeout (t)
  • setInterval(cb, ms)
  • Global Objects
  • Console Object
  • Process Object

  • OS Module
  • Path Module
  • Net Module
  • DNS Module
  • Domain Module

  • What is a Web Server?
  • Web Application Architecture
  • Creating a Web Server using Node
  • Make a request to Node.js server
  • Creating a Web client using Node

  • Express Overview
  • Installing Express
  • Hello World Example
  • Request & Response
  • Request Object
  • Response Object
  • Basic Routing
  • Serving Static Files
  • GET Method
  • POST Method
  • File Upload
  • Cookies Management

  • What is REST Architecture?
  • HTTP methods
  • RESTful Web Services
  • Creating RESTful for a Library
  • List Users
  • Add Users
  • Show Detail
  • Delete a User

Why is Manal Softech the Best Institute for MERN Stack Training?

Support System

Support System

You will find support in training, projects, notes, doubt sessions, and everything you need during our MERN stack courses.

Expert Trainers

Expert Trainers

You will learn MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, and NodeJS from professional MERN Stack developers having years of experience in the field.

Placement Assistance

Placement Assistance

After the MERN Stack full course, our team will assist you in getting placed at good companies paying lucrative packages in India.

Practical on 15+ Projects

Practical on 15+ Projects

During the training, you will work on more than 15 projects related to front-end, back-end, and full-stack web development for the experience.

Comprehensive & Latest Syllabus

Comprehensive & Latest Syllabus

In this MERN stack online training, you will find all the modules and skills required to become a full-fledged & confident web developer.

Professional Certification

Professional Certification

On course completion, you will earn a professional and industry-recognized certificate, showcasing your skills and experience.

Manal Softech Hr Varsha Chaurasia

“It's time for you to future-proof your career!”

“We know that we are influencing the foundations of your future, and we take this responsibility very seriously. With Manal Softech, I ensure that you always get top-class training backed by practical projects and future prospects. Wishing you a successful & future-proof career!”

What Previous Batch Students Say About Our MERN Stack Developer Course!

We are proud to have positively influenced the career foundations for thousands of learners across India and Asian countries.

Top Companies Hiring MERN Stack Developers in India

Top Companies Hiring MERN Stack Developers in India

Book Free Class of the Best MERN Stack Course in India!

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MERN Stack Course FAQs

MERN stack stands for MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, and NodeJS.

The average salary of a MERN stack developer in India is INR 4.2 LPA. In top cities like Bangalore, Hyderabad, Noida, and others, the average salary ranges from INR 6.9-9.3 LPA.

MERN Stack means the combination of four different technologies used for full-stack web development. These technologies include MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, and NodeJS. All the technologies in the MERN are based on JavaScript. It can be used easily for developing the front-end, back-end, and database of a project.

The skills required to become a MERN stack developer include:

  • Proficiency in JavaScript
  • Deep knowledge of ExpressJS and NodeJS
  • Experience working with MongoDB database program
  • Skills to build the front end of a website using HTML, CSS, etc.
  • Knowledge of web development frameworks
  • Ability to build RESTful services
  • Knowledge of the OOP concept
  • Skills to test the code quality

In addition to these skills, companies also prefer some non-technical skills, such as communication, problem-solving, analytical thinking, etc.

Yes. It is in high demand because of the numerous benefits it offers. For instance, MERN accelerates the web development process, is easy to learn and use, and facilitates robust development of projects.

It is also open source so that developers don’t have to get locked in or stuck. They can use tools, code, frameworks, etc., that are pre-built. Plenty of tasks can be done with simple customizations.

You must follow a good learning path to learn MERN stack web development. First, start with the basics, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Then move to the other components of this tech stack which are MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.

Manal Softech’s well-structured and practical MERN Stack courses for beginners is always a great choice to start learning every concept of this popular tech stack.

Yes. You can learn it easily when you opt for the right MERN stack development course, where you can find guidance & skills from a good trainer. Moreover, working on projects is essential to gain confidence. This course is meant for beginners so that everyone can learn it without having any prior technical knowledge or skills.

It takes at least six months to learn MERN stack development.

The fee of the online MERN stack training by Manal Softech is INR 28,320 (including GST).

In India, Manal Softech offers the best MERN Stack course with certificate, placement assistance, and 15+ projects.

Yes. You will work on over 15 projects:

Frontend development projects

  • 5-7 static websites using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, and Tailwind
  • 4-5 apps and websites using ReactJS

Backend development projects

  • 3-4 small-scale apps
  • 1 complete backend APIs app

Full stack development projects

  • Complete eCommerce application from scratch

The duration of this course is six months.

Yes. You will be rewarded with an industry-recognized certificate that helps you get jobs at top-level companies.

No worries! You will find access to recordings of all the live classes that you can watch at ease. If you find doubts in recordings, you can easily ask the trainer in your next classes. In addition, we also conduct dedicated doubt sessions.

Companies of all sizes are actively looking for MERN Stack Developers in India and globally at lucrative packages.

Grab these opportunities by holding mastery in this tech stack!

Enroll now in the best MERN Stack Course online in India!

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • Bootstrap
  • Tailwind CSS
  • ReactJS
  • MongoDB
  • NodeJS
  • ExpressJS
  • Restful APIs

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