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India’s Best Flutter Online Course With Certificate & Job Assistance

4.9 (4902 Reviews)

Flutter is the revolutionary framework for app development that enables the building, testing, and deployment of apps on Android, iOS, web, desktop, and more, from a single codebase. It is the choice of top brands and organizations like Google, eBay, Amazon, BMW, and many more.

If you want to learn Flutter from scratch and build a promising career, then Manal Softech’s Flutter app development course is for you. You get the advanced training from an experienced Flutter developer, regular LIVE classes, hands-on real projects, certification, as well as placement assistance.

India’s Best Flutter Online Course With Certificate & Job Assistance

Upcoming Flutter Course Batch Details

Duration Timings
(Mon - Sat) 3 Months 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM
(Mon - Sat) 3 Months 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
(Mon - Sat) 3 Months 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM
(Mon - Sat) 3 Months 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Flutter Course Fees


(including GST)

Get 50% off -₹32,000/-

No Cost EMI options available

Flutter & Dart: The Complete Flutter App Development Course Online

Flutter is among the most demanded skills today. It is transforming the way cross-platform mobile apps are built. It brings great career opportunities as the majority of the companies are adopting the Flutter framework.

The reason behind the fast-growing popularity of Flutter is that it helps in creating mobile apps for multiple platforms with a single codebase. It means you only need to write the code once, and it can be used for developing apps for Android, iOS, web, desktop, etc.

Traditionally, without Flutter, the developers need to create different codebases for creating the same app for different operating systems.

Whether you are a beginner, have some prior experience in mobile app development, or want to switch from a web developer to a Flutter app developer profile, this Flutter online course is meant for you.

This is an advanced Flutter app development course that starts with the Flutter basics and then goes deep down to the advanced concepts. Throughout the course, you will learn everything in a highly-interactive manner, get to work on real mobile apps, and explore internship and job opportunities.

Google Flutter Online Course Syllabus

Well-structured & comprehensive curriculum designed according to latest trends and industry standards!

  • What is Flutter?
  • Flutter Architecture
  • How are Flutter and Dart code Compiled to Native Apps?
  • Flutter Versions
  • macOS Setup
  • macOS Development Environment
  • Windows Setup
  • Windows Development Environment
  • Flutter & Material Design
  • Flutter Alternatives

  • Creating a New Project in Flutter
  • Overview of Generated Files & Folders
  • Fundamentals of Dart
  • Building an App from Scratch
  • Running the App on an Emulator
  • Class Constructors & Named Arguments
  • First Summary & Additional Syntax
  • Building a Widget Tree
  • Visible (Input/Output) & Invisible (Layout/Control) Widgets
  • Adding Layout Widgets
  • Widget Basics
  • Connecting Functions & Buttons
  • Anonymous Functions
  • Updating Widget Data (Or: Using StatelessWidget Incorrectly)
  • Understanding Lists
  • Updating Correctly with Stateful Widgets
  • Stateful & Stateless Widgets
  • Using Private Properties
  • Creating a New and Custom Widget
  • First Styling & Layout Steps
  • Enums & Multiple Constructors
  • Passing Callback Functions Around
  • Introducing Maps
  • Mapping Lists to Widgets
  • final vs const in Flutter
  • Advanced Flutter & Dart
  • Introducing "if" Statements
  • "if" Statements
  • "null" Value
  • Outputting Widgets Conditionally
  • Splitting the App into Widgets
  • Calculating a Total Score
  • Getters & "else-if"
  • Resetting the Quiz

  • Module Introduction
  • How to Run App on a Real Android Device?
  • Running the App on an iOS Emulator
  • How to Run App on a Real iOS Device?
  • Using and Working with Emulators
  • Understanding Error Messages and Fixing Errors
  • Using Debugger
  • Getting Started with the Dart DevTools
  • Wrapping up the Dart DevTools

  • Introduction
  • An Overview of the Core Flutter Widgets
  • Combining Widgets
  • Understanding Column Alignment
  • Rows and Columns
  • Not a Widget: How to Add Transaction Model & Transaction Data?
  • Mapping Data into Widgets
  • Building a Custom List Item
  • Styling a Container
  • Styling Text
  • Styling Time!
  • Containers vs Columns Vs Rows
  • Using String Interpolation
  • Installing External Packages & Formatting Dates
  • DateFormat Patterns
  • Adding Text Input Widgets (TextField)
  • Fetching User Input
  • Splitting the App into Widgets
  • Connecting Widgets & Managing Data/State
  • Adding User Transactions to the List
  • Making the List Scrollable
  • Working with ListViews
  • Lists, Scrolling & Text Input
  • Further Input & Output Styling and Configuration
  • Adding AppBar Buttons & Floating Action Buttons
  • Showing a Modal Bottom Sheet
  • Improving & Styling the Modal Bottom Sheet
  • Configuring & Using Themes
  • Custom Fonts & Working with Text Themes
  • Theming
  • Adding Images to the App
  • Planning the Chart Widget
  • Looping Through Lists
  • More on "for" Loops
  • Deriving Recent Transactions
  • Creating Bars for our Chart
  • Populating the Chart with Values
  • Finishing the Chart Bars
  • Flexible & Expanded: Deep Dive
  • Adding a ListTile Widget
  • Improving the Overall Chart
  • Getting Started with Date Selection
  • Showing a DatePicker
  • Adding Transactions with a Date
  • Deleting Transactions & Using IconButtons

  • Introduction
  • What do "Responsive" and "Adaptive" Mean?
  • Calculating Sizes Dynamically
  • Working with the "textScaleFactor"
  • Using LayoutBuilder Widget
  • Responsiveness
  • Controlling the Device Orientation
  • Rendering Alternative Landscape Content
  • Finishing Landscape Mode
  • Showing Different Content Based on Device Orientation
  • Respecting the Softkeyboard Insets
  • Using the Device Size in Conditions
  • Managing the MediaQuery Object
  • Checking the Device Platform
  • Using Cupertino (iOS) Widgets
  • Using the SafeArea
  • More Cupertino Styles
  • Using Cupertino Buttons
  • Creating Custom Adaptive Widgets
  • Adaptive Widgets

  • The Problem at Hand
  • What, Why, and How of Widget Tree & Element Tree
  • How Flutter Rebuilds & Repaints the Screen?
  • How Flutter Executes build ()?
  • Using "const" Widgets & Constructors
  • Widgets, Elements, build ()
  • Writing Good Code
  • Extracting Widgets
  • Using Builder Methods
  • Understanding the Widget Lifecycle
  • Calling super.initState() etc.
  • Understanding the App Lifecycle
  • Understanding Context
  • A Problem with Lists & Stateful Widgets
  • Understanding the Problem Root
  • Using Keys
  • Keys, Lists, Stateful Widgets

  • Introduction
  • Planning the App Development
  • Starting with The App- Adding Base Data
  • Creating a Grid & Working with Linear Gradients
  • Registering a Screen as the Main Screen
  • Styling & Theming
  • Navigating to a New Page
  • Passing Data via the Constructor
  • How to Use Named Routes?
  • Screens & Navigation
  • Diving Deeper into Named Routes
  • Adding a Meal Model & Data
  • Selecting Meals for a Chosen Category
  • Displaying Recipe Items & Using Network Images
  • Finishing the Meal List Item
  • Navigating to the Meal Detail Page
  • onGenerateRoute & onUnknownRoute
  • Finishing the Meal Detail Page
  • Adding a TabBar to the Appbar
  • Adding a Bottom TabBar
  • Adding a Custom Drawer
  • Adding Links to the Drawer
  • Tabs & Drawers
  • Replacing Pages (Instead of Pushing)
  • Popping Pages & Passing Data Back
  • Replacing, Popping & Data
  • Adding Filter Switches
  • Adding Filtering Logic
  • Adding a "Mark as Favorite" Feature

  • Module Introduction
  • Planning the App
  • Defining a Data Model
  • Working on the "Products" Grid & Item Widgets
  • Styling and Theming the App
  • Adding Navigation to the App
  • What are ‘State’ and ‘State Management’?
  • Why Use State Management?
  • Understanding the "Provider" Package & Approach
  • Working with Providers & Listeners
  • Inheritance ("extends") vs Mixins ("with")
  • Providing non-Objects
  • Listening in Different Places and Ways
  • State, State Management, and The Provider Package/Approach
  • Using Nested Models & Providers
  • Exploring Alternative Provider Syntaxes
  • Using "Consumer" instead of "Provider.of"
  • Local State vs App-wide State
  • Adding Shopping Cart Data
  • More on State Management & The Provider Package
  • Working with Multiple Providers
  • Connecting the Cart Provider
  • Work Cart & Showing Total
  • Displaying a List of Cart Items
  • Making Cart Items Dismissible
  • Adding Product Detail Data
  • Providing an Orders Object
  • Adding Orders
  • Adding an Orders Screen
  • Using a Side Drawer
  • Making Orders Expandable & Stateful Widgets vs Providers

  • Module Introduction
  • Showing Alert Dialogs
  • Adding a "Manage Products" Page
  • "Edit Product" Screen & A Problem
  • Using Forms & Working with Form Inputs
  • ListView or Column
  • Managing Form Input Focus
  • Multiline Inputs & Disposing Objects
  • Adding an Image Preview
  • Image Input & Image Preview
  • Submitting Forms
  • Validating User Input
  • Adding Validation to All Inputs
  • Saving New Products
  • Time to Update Products!
  • Allowing Users to Delete Products
  • Wrap Up
  • Useful Resources & Links

  • Module Introduction
  • On-Device vs Web Storage
  • How to Connect Flutter to Database?
  • Backend Development
  • How to Send HTTP Requests?
  • Sending POST Requests
  • Working with Futures in Dart
  • Futures & Async Code
  • HTTP Requests & Futures
  • Showing a Loading Indicator
  • Handling Errors Gracefully
  • Working with "async" & "await"
  • Fetching Data, initState & "of(context)"
  • How to Transform Fetched Data?
  • Implementing Pull-to-Refresh
  • Updating Data via PATCH Requests
  • Utilizing Optimistic Updating
  • Creating Custom Exceptions & More Error Handling
  • Updating the "Favorite" Status Optimistically
  • Storing Orders in the Web
  • Fetching Orders & Fixing an Issue
  • Using the "FutureBuilder" Widget & Improving the Code

  • How does Authentication work?
  • Backend Development
  • How to Add Auth Screen?
  • How to Add User Signup?
  • Enabling Signup and Log In
  • How to Manage Authentication Errors?
  • How to Manage Auth Token Locally?
  • How to use ProxyProvider and Connect Token to HTTP Requests?
  • How to Add Token to Requests?
  • Connecting the "Favorite" Status to Users
  • Attaching Products to Users & Filtering by Creator
  • Attaching Orders to Users
  • Adding a Logout Functionality
  • Automatically Logging Users Out (After Some Time)
  • Automatically Logging Users In

  • Animations from Scratch (Completely Manually Controlled)
  • Using the "AnimatedBuilder" Widget
  • Working with the "AnimatedContainer"
  • Transition Widgets and Built-in Animation
  • How to Fade Loaded Images and Show a Placeholder
  • Adding a "Hero" Transition
  • Working with Slivers
  • Practice: Animating Order Boxes
  • A Fix for the Latest Version of Flutter
  • Implementing Custom Route Transitions

  • Planning the App
  • PlaceList & Place Provider Setup
  • How to Add the "Add Place" Screen & An Image Input
  • Using Image Picker & The Device Camera
  • How to Store the Image on the Filesystem (on the Device)?
  • How to Manage Data & Images via the Provider Package?
  • Handling Errors
  • Testing on Real Devices
  • Preparing SQLite
  • Storing & Fetching Data with SQLite
  • Adding a Location Input & The "location" Package
  • Fetching the User Coordinates
  • Displaying a Static Map Snapshot
  • Rendering a Dynamic Map (via Google Maps)
  • How to Enable Users to Choose a Location on Map?
  • How to Store Location in SQLite?
  • How to Add a "Place Detail" Screen & Opening the Map in "readonly" Mode?

  • What is Firebase?
  • How to Create a New App?
  • Starting with Firebase
  • Versions of Flutter Firebase
  • Starting With Flutter & Firebase SDK
  • How to Add "GoogleServices-Info.plist" to iOS?
  • How to Render Stream Data with StreamBuilder?
  • How to Add Data?
  • Simple Authentication Screen
  • How to Add an App Theme?
  • How to Create an Authentication Form?
  • How to Connect Auth Form & Auth Screen?
  • How to Add firebase_auth Package?
  • How to Implement Authentication?
  • Storing Extra User Data
  • Finishing Authentication & Logout
  • How to Add Firebase Security Rules?
  • Listening to Chat Messages
  • How to Send & Order Chat Messages?
  • How to Create a Basic Chat Bubble Widget?
  • Improving the Chat Bubbles
  • Testing on Multiple Devices
  • Displaying User Names
  • ImagePicker: Latest Version
  • Adding an Image Picker
  • How to Prepare File Upload & Validate Images?
  • How to Upload Images?
  • Enhancing Image Upload
  • Running on a Real iOS Device
  • Displaying User Images
  • Working of Push Notifications
  • What is Firebase Cloud Messaging?
  • Android Push Notifications
  • iOS Push Notifications
  • Handling Push Notifications
  • Getting Started with Firebase Cloud Functions
  • Setting a Firestore Trigger
  • Sending Automated Push Notifications

  • Fundamentals
  • Using the Project Setup in Proper Way
  • Sending a Method Call from Flutter
  • Running Android Code
  • Running iOS Code

  • Introduction
  • Writing the Code
  • App Configuration Preparation
  • Third-Party Services Preparation
  • How to Add Icons & Splash Screens?
  • How to Publish an Android App on Google Play Store?
  • How to Publish an iOS App on App Store?

  • Creating Your Resume
  • Preparation for Flutter Developer Interview
  • Top Flutter Interview Questions & Answers
  • Learning New Topics (Latest Custom Topics)

Benefits of Enrolling in Flutter Learning Course by Manal Softech

Learn from Pro Flutter Developer

Learn from Pro Flutter Developer

From Flutter basics to advanced concepts, everything in this Flutter full course is covered by an experienced and professional Flutter developer for high-quality training.

Structured & Latest Curriculum

Structured & Latest Curriculum

To make it one of the best online Flutter courses, we ensure that the entire syllabus is well-structured and up-to-date with the latest app development trends.

Interactive LIVE Classes

Interactive LIVE Classes

With this Flutter online course in Hindi, you get regular live classes (not pre-recorded videos). You can engage with the trainer and fellow students for efficient learning.

Practice on Real Apps

Practice on Real Apps

During the online Flutter and Dart course, you will get practical exposure. Working on real projects is crucial for building skills and gaining some real-life experience.

Internship & Job Assistance

Internship & Job Assistance

After the Flutter online training course, we help you get internship and job opportunities. We are partners with 100+ IT companies in India to assist you with job assistance.

Professional Flutter Certification

Professional Flutter Certification

It is a Flutter app development course with certificate. Once you complete the training, you get a professional certificate to showcase in your resume and easily find good jobs.

Manal Softech Hr Varsha Chaurasia

“It's time for you to future-proof your career!”

“We know that we are influencing the foundations of your future, and we take this responsibility very seriously. With Manal Softech, I ensure that you always get top-class training backed by practical projects and future prospects. Wishing you a successful & future-proof career!”

What Learners Say About The Best Flutter Course in India!

We are proud to have positively influenced the career foundations for thousands of learners across India and Asian countries.

Top Companies Hiring Flutter Developers in India

Top Companies Hiring Flutter Developers in India

Book 2-Days of Free Demo Classes of Our Online Google Flutter Certification Course!

Join our online Flutter app development course confidently & risk-free by taking two days of demo classes at no cost.

Online Flutter and Dart Training FAQs

Flutter is an open-source user interface (UI) framework used for developing cross-platform applications for almost any device. Built by Google, Flutter helps developers to write the code for an app once, then deploy the same code for multiple operating systems.

It means that a single app codebase will work for multiple operating systems, including Android, iOS, web, desktop, and embedded apps.

You can learn it from a reliable institute like Manal Softech which offers a practical-oriented online course on Flutter for beginners. The course covers Flutter basics to advanced, with hands-on live apps, proper guidance by an experienced trainer, Flutter certification, placement assistance, etc.

If you have a genuine interest in building your career in app development, then learning Flutter from scratch won’t be difficult for you. Since it is one of the top-demanded skills today in the field of web/app development and offers high-paying job opportunities, you need to put your hard work and dedication to learn it. Moreover, practice is crucial to making yourself a professional in this field.

Yes. It is in high demand today because of the numerous benefits it offers. It allows a single codebase to be used for developing a cross-platform app, which saves businesses time, resources, and money.

Moreover, the apps built with Flutter run fast, allow developers to have full control of the code, enable automated testing, and much more.

Hence, an increasing number of companies today hire Flutter developers for their projects.

Top brands like Google Pay, BMW, Dream11, eBay, Nubank, Toyota, Alibaba Group, and many more are relying on the Flutter framework.

You can easily learn Flutter online with the advanced Flutter and Dart training by Manal Softech.

You can learn and gain practical experience on Flutter apps within 2-3 months of online training by Manal Softech.

There are no specific prerequisites since the online Google Flutter certification course by Manal Softech covers everything from scratch. All you need to have is some basic knowledge of computers and the internet.

The Flutter course duration is 90 days (3 months).

Yes. You will get a professional Flutter certificate on course completion. This certificate is valid all over India and across the globe to help you showcase your skills and explore good job opportunities.

Yes. Manal Softech is the official partner of 100+ top IT companies in India. Once you have done the Flutter full course, we will prepare you for the interview and arrange interviews with relevant companies.

Yes. This is an online Flutter course with regular live classes. You can join from anywhere in India.

Our Flutter online course fee is INR 16,000.

Yes. Flutter is a free and open-source UI framework built by Google. For the development of multi-platform applications using Flutter, Dart is the programming language used here.

No. Flutter is a framework, whereas Dart is a programming language used for Flutter app development.

Dart is a programming language used to develop multi-platform apps using Flutter. On the other hand, Flutter is a user interface framework that facilitates a software development kit to enable cross-platform app development.

There are several reasons behind using Dart programming with Flutter.

  • Dart doesn’t need a distinct layout language such as XML or JSX.
  • Dart has a declarative and programmatic layout.
  • It helps app developers to easily read and see the layouts.
  • Dart is capable of using Just In Time compilation.
  • Faster development process.

Yes. DartPad is an open-source command-line interface tool for Dart software development kits. It can easily be used for running Flutter code on DartPad, since Flutter uses Dart programming.

The Flutter certification course by Manal Softech is the best option to learn Flutter online in India. It has the most comprehensive and latest curriculum, comes with live online training by excerpts, and includes certification and placement assistance.

By enrolling in the Flutter & Dart: The Complete Flutter App Development Course by Manal Softech, you can jumpstart your career as a Flutter app developer.

The average salary of a Flutter developer in India is INR 5.39 lakh per annum, according to PayScale. The Flutter developer salary per month varies on the level of skills, number of years of experience, and the location of the company you work at.

The average Flutter developer salary in the US is $97,446 per annum. The US is the highest-paying country in the world when it comes to the annual or monthly salary of a Flutter developer.

The average Flutter jobs salary in Bangalore is INR 4.7 lakh per annum.

Yes. We are offering 2-days of free demo classes.

Not to worry. You will get access to recordings of all the classes which you can watch if you miss the class or want to revise. In the next classes, you can ask your doubts to the trainer.

The future of Flutter is undoubtedly bright, seeing the growing adoption of this framework. Around the world, nearly one-third of the mobile app developers make use of cross-platform development. Framework has become one of the most popular frameworks today, surpassing React Native in 2021.

It shows that the demand and scope of Flutter in India and globally is only increasing over the years.

Flutter is gaining the highest traction and becoming the most popular cross-platform app development framework.

It’s time for you to acquire the right skills and grab the promising opportunities.

Enroll in the best Flutter Course in India today!

  • Introduction to Flutter
  • Flutter Basics
  • Running Apps on Different Devices & Debugging Apps
  • Personal Expenses App Development
  • Responsive and Adaptive UIs & Apps
  • Widget & Flutter Internals: Deep Dive
  • Navigation & Multiple Screens (App)
  • State Management (App)
  • Working with User Input & Forms (Shop App)
  • Sending HTTP Requests (App)
  • Adding User Authentication (App)
  • Adding Animations (App)
  • Using Native Device Features (App)
  • Firebase, Image Upload, Push Notifications (Chat App Development)
  • Running Native Swift, Objective-C, Java, Kotlin Code
  • Publish App on Play Store & App Store

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